living in a simulation, 8k
of an intricate hazy jungle with strange colorful cute friendly funny creatures with huge eyes, long tongue
fantasy character concept portrait, digital painting
Rampart female character from Apex legends,(ultra-detailed:1.6)
bailong plant girl,a girl made of dead plants
IU, Korean Idol
living in a simulation, 8k
of an intricate hazy jungle with strange colorful cute friendly funny creatures with huge eyes, long tongue
fantasy character concept portrait, digital painting
Rampart female character from Apex legends,(ultra-detailed:1.6)
bailong plant girl,a girl made of dead plants
IU, Korean Idol
living in a simulation, 8k
living in a simulation, 8k, sci-fi movie, IMAX
Negative Prompt
(worst quality:1.4), (low quality:1.4), easynegative,EasyNegativeV2,bad_prompt_version2, artist name,signature, watermark, username,blurry,cropped,jpeg artifacts,text,error
Generation Parameters
Image Style
EasyDiffusion Online
Diffusion Lite
SamplerDPM++ 2M Karras
CFG Scale7
Clip skip2